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I Hate My Job What Should I Do? Unlock Your Inner Power: Get to Know Your Genius Zone

By: Catherine Mattiske

© 2023 – GQ Global

The GQ Blog
Inner Genius Profile
Unlock Inner Genius

In order to overcome job dissatisfaction and find fulfillment in your career, it’s important to tap into your Inner Genius (GQ). Understanding your unique strengths and passions can lead you to your Genius Zone, where you can thrive and make a meaningful impact.

At some stage in most of our lives we’ve most likely said: ” I Hate My Job! “

The full question ” I Hate My Job What Should I Do ” is a little more complex to answer.  So lets dive in!

As an expert in the field of personal development and Inner Genius (GQ), I developed the Inner Genius Profile, a powerful tool that helps individuals discover their Genius Quotient (GQ) and unlock their inner power. By understanding your Genius Quotient, you can gain clarity on your strengths, passions, and the work that brings you the most fulfillment.

Through a detailed personality profile assessment, you are taken on a transformative journey to uncover your Zone of Genius. By identifying joyful memories, exploring what inspires you, and reverse engineering your business, you can start to align your career with your true potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tap into your Inner Genius to find fulfillment in your career.
  • Discover your Genius Zone using the Inner Genius Profile.
  • Identify joyful memories and explore what inspires you.
  • Reverse engineer your business to align with your Zone of Genius.
  • Unlock your inner power and make a meaningful impact.

How Do I Reach My Level of Genius?

When facing job dissatisfaction and considering a career change, it’s important to tap into your Inner Genius  (GQ) and reach your full potential. But how exactly do you do that? Let’s explore strategies that can help you unlock your genius and find fulfillment in your work.

One key strategy is to organize your data. Take a step back and evaluate the tasks and projects that bring you the most joy and inspiration. By identifying these aspects of your job, you can start to prioritize them and focus on leveraging your strengths.

Another effective approach is to highlight joyful memories. Reflect on moments in your career when you felt the most fulfilled and engaged. What were the common themes or activities that brought you joy? By understanding these patterns, you can seek out opportunities that align with your true passions.

Remember, reaching your level of genius requires a mindset shift and actively seeking out tasks and projects that bring you joy. By focusing on what inspires you and dropping the tasks you dislike, you can move closer to a career that aligns with your Inner Genius (GQ).

By understanding the breakdown of your Genius Zone, you can begin to make intentional changes in your career. Start by identifying tasks and projects that fall within your Genius Zone and find ways to incorporate more of them into your work. With time and effort, you can reach your level of genius and experience true fulfillment in your career.

I Hate My Job What Should I Do? – Strategies to Find Your Genius Zone

If you’re unhappy at work and feeling frustrated with your job, it may be time to explore your Genius Zone. By understanding your innate strengths and passions, you can find a career path that brings you joy and fulfillment. Here are some strategies to help you uncover your Genius Zone:

Take the Inner Genius Profile & discover your Genius Zone in 10-minutes!

The Inner Genius Profile is a measure of learning and communication preferences and as a result you’ll unlock your Genius Quotient (GQ) and know exactly where your Genius Zone is.  Most importantly, you’ll be provided with tools and guidance on how to maximize your Genius Zone on a daily basis.

Conduct a Zone of Genius Audit

To start, take the time to assess your current job and identify the aspects that you love the most. What tasks or projects make you feel invigorated and inspired? What are the things that you excel at and enjoy doing? By conducting a Genius Zone Audit, you can pinpoint the specific areas where you shine and focus on those in your career.

Identify What Inspires You

Pay attention to the moments in your life when you feel the most inspired and energized. What activities or experiences bring you joy and a sense of purpose? By identifying these sources of inspiration, you can align your career choices with your inner passions and create a more fulfilling work-life balance.

Explore New Job Opportunities

If you’re truly unhappy in your current job and feel that it’s not aligned with your Genius Zone, it may be time to explore new job opportunities. Look for openings in industries or roles that resonate with your strengths and interests. By finding a new job that aligns with your Genius Zone, you can find greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your career.

Benefits of Finding Your Genius Zone

How to Find Your Genius Zone

Increased job satisfaction Conduct a Zone of Genius Audit
Greater sense of purpose Identify what inspires you
Improved work-life balance Explore new job opportunities

By implementing these strategies, you can begin the journey of finding your Genius Zone and create a career that brings you true fulfillment and happiness.

Podcasts for Career Inspiration

If you’re feeling stuck in your current job and experiencing job stress and burnout, it may be time to seek external inspiration to help you navigate career transitions and find more balance in your work-life. Podcasts offer a fantastic platform to gain insights, advice, and success stories from experts and individuals who have gone through similar experiences. Here, we have curated a list of 15 career-focused podcasts that can provide the inspiration you need to take the next steps in your career journey.

The Genius Zone

Catherine Mattiske has a podcast on Inner Genius (GQ) – called The Genius Zone. On this podcast, she explains the ins and outs of Inner Genius, the Genius Quotient (GQ) and how it relates to learning, communication, connecting and influencing others.

Happen To Your Career

“Happen To Your Career” is a podcast hosted by Scott Anthony Barlow that helps individuals gain clarity on their career direction and make successful career changes. Through interviews with experts and inspiring stories of career transitions, this podcast provides actionable strategies and practical advice to help you discover your true passion and find fulfilling work.

The Good Life Project

“The Good Life Project” is a podcast hosted by Jonathan Fields that explores what it means to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. While not specifically focused on careers, this podcast often features guests who share their career journeys, offering valuable insights and inspiring stories that can help you navigate your own path to professional satisfaction.

Table: Top 5 Career-Focused Podcasts




The Genius Zone Catherine Mattiske Helps people unlock their Inner Genius with practical tools and techniques for working and living in their Genius Zone
Happen To Your Career Scott Anthony Barlow Helps individuals gain clarity and make successful career changes
The Good Life Project Jonathan Fields Explores what it means to live a meaningful and fulfilling life
WorkLife with Adam Grant Adam Grant Explores the keys to a fulfilling and productive work-life
Career Tools Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman Provides practical advice and strategies for career success
How I Built This with Guy Raz Guy Raz Shares the inspiring stories of entrepreneurs and their journey to success

These are just a few examples of the wealth of career-focused podcasts available. Whether you’re looking for advice on career change, strategies to overcome job stress and burnout, or insights to help you achieve a better work-life balance, podcasts can be an invaluable resource. Tune in, gain inspiration, and start taking steps towards a more fulfilling career.


Why People Stay in Jobs They Hate Instead of Starting a Business

Many individuals find themselves trapped in jobs they hate, yearning for something more fulfilling. However, instead of taking the leap and starting their own business, they remain stuck in their current situation. This section explores some of the reasons why people choose to stay in jobs they dislike, rather than pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams.

Lack of Clarity and Purpose

One of the main reasons individuals stay in unfulfilling jobs is the lack of clarity and purpose in their lives. They may be waiting for their true calling to find them, unsure of the direction they should take. The fear of making the wrong decision or not knowing their exact passion holds them back from taking action towards starting a business.

It is important for individuals to understand that finding purpose is a journey, not an instantaneous revelation. Taking the time to explore their interests, values, and strengths can help them uncover their true passions and align them with potential business opportunities.

Fear of Failure and Uncertainty

Another factor that keeps people from starting their own business is the fear of failure and uncertainty. Leaving the security of a stable job to venture into the unknown can be daunting and intimidating. The fear of financial instability, lack of support, and the possibility of not succeeding hold individuals back from taking the necessary risks.

However, it is important to remember that every successful entrepreneur has faced failure and uncertainty along their journey. Embracing risk and learning from failures can lead to valuable experiences and personal growth. Building a solid support network, seeking mentorship, and developing a strategic plan can help individuals navigate the challenges and mitigate some of the fears associated with starting a business.

Comfort and Identity

Comfort and attachment to their current identity can also keep individuals from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. Many people have invested years in their current job or profession, and it becomes a significant part of their identity. They may fear losing their status, reputation, or the familiarity that comes with their current role.

Breaking free from the comfort zone and embracing change can be difficult, but it is essential for personal and professional growth. Challenging their identity and exploring new possibilities can lead to unexpected opportunities and a more fulfilling career.

Reasons Why People Stay in Jobs They Hate

Why It’s Important to Start a Business

Lack of clarity and purpose Opportunity to pursue passions and align with purpose
Fear of failure and uncertainty Potential for personal growth and learning from failures
Comfort and attachment to identity Opportunity to challenge and redefine identity

Waiting for Your Purpose vs Creating It

One common reason why people stay in jobs they hate is because they are waiting for their purpose to find them. They believe that one day they will stumble upon a career that aligns perfectly with their passions and brings them fulfillment. However, finding your purpose is not a passive process; it requires action and intention.

Instead of waiting for a lightning strike of clarity, it’s important to actively seek out and create your purpose. This can be done by following a step-by-step process or working with a life purpose coach who can guide you in discovering your true calling. By taking the initiative and investing in your personal growth, you can gain the clarity and direction you need to pursue a career that aligns with your Inner Genius (GQ).

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Remember, your purpose is not something that will magically appear overnight. It is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the process, trust yourself, and take the necessary steps to create the career you truly desire.

Table: The difference between waiting for your purpose and creating your purpose.

Waiting for Your Purpose

Creating Your Purpose

Passive approach Active approach
Relies on external factors Empowers you to take control
Leads to frustration and stagnation Leads to growth and fulfillment
Dependent on luck or chance Dependent on your actions and choices

Taking Advice from the Wrong Sources

When it comes to making a career change and pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams, seeking advice from the right sources is crucial. Many times, well-meaning friends and family members may offer advice based on their own limited experiences or perspectives. While their intentions may be good, relying solely on their guidance can often lead to staying stuck in unfulfilling jobs. Instead, it’s important to seek mentorship from individuals who have achieved what you aspire to.

By finding mentors or coaches who have successfully transitioned into their dream careers or started their own businesses, you can gain valuable insights and support. These mentors can provide guidance based on their firsthand experiences, helping you navigate the challenges and uncertainties that come with making a career change. Their perspectives can broaden your horizons and introduce you to new possibilities, empowering you to take the necessary steps towards your own path.

“The right mentor can make a world of difference in your journey towards a fulfilling career. They can offer guidance, share their wisdom, and help you avoid common pitfalls. Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with someone who inspires you.”

In addition to seeking mentorship, it’s also important to surround yourself with a supportive community. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations and are also actively pursuing their dreams. By joining networking groups, attending industry events, or participating in online communities, you can surround yourself with people who understand your journey and can provide encouragement and inspiration.

Wrong Sources

Right Sources

Experience Limited Extensive and successful
Perspective Narrow Broad and diverse
Support Limited or biased Encouraging and empowering
Connections Limited Extensive and diverse

In conclusion, when seeking advice on making a career change and pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams, it’s important to be mindful of the sources you turn to. While friends and family may have good intentions, their perspectives may be limited. Instead, seek mentorship from individuals who have achieved what you aspire to and surround yourself with a supportive community. By gaining insights from those who have successfully navigated similar paths, you can find the guidance and support you need to embark on your own journey towards a fulfilling career.

Overcoming Your Current Identity

One of the reasons many individuals stay in jobs they hate is because they strongly identify with their current profession or career path. They may have invested a significant amount of time, effort, and education into their current job, and may feel that changing careers would be too risky or would mean abandoning their established identity. However, it’s important to challenge this mindset and think outside the box when it comes to exploring new career possibilities.

By releasing perceptions of who they think they are and embracing their full potential, individuals can open themselves up to new opportunities and find a career that truly fulfills them. This requires a shift in mindset and a belief in their ability to adapt and grow. Instead of solely defining themselves by their current job, they can start to explore their skills, interests, and values to discover new paths that align with their true passions.

It may be helpful to seek guidance from career coaches or mentors who can provide valuable insights and support during this process. They can help individuals challenge their current identity, uncover their strengths, and explore new career possibilities. By embracing the idea that they are not confined by their current job title or profession, individuals can begin to create a new sense of self and confidently pursue a career that brings them joy and fulfillment.

“Your current identity doesn’t have to limit your future potential. Embrace the opportunity for growth and explore new career paths that align with your true passions and values.”

Embracing Imperfection and Taking Action

Perfectionism can be a major obstacle when it comes to making a career change or pursuing entrepreneurial dreams. Many individuals wait for everything to be perfect or for all the details to be lined up before taking action. However, this mindset can lead to paralysis and prevent progress. Embracing imperfection and taking action, even if it’s a small step, is crucial to overcoming job dissatisfaction and finding fulfillment in your career.

By acknowledging that perfection is unattainable and understanding that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, you can free yourself from the shackles of perfectionism. Taking imperfect action allows you to gain momentum and make progress towards your goals. Remember, it’s better to take imperfect action than to wait indefinitely for the perfect moment that may never come.

“Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame. It’s a shield. It’s a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from flight.” – Brené Brown

So, embrace imperfection and start taking action towards your career change or entrepreneurial pursuits. Break down your goals into smaller tasks and focus on progress rather than perfection. Celebrate your accomplishments along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Remember, every step forward is a step closer to finding fulfillment in your work and overcoming job dissatisfaction.

Trusting Yourself and Taking Risks

When it comes to making a career change, trusting yourself and taking risks are essential steps towards creating a more fulfilling professional life. Many individuals stay in jobs they hate because of fear – fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of stepping outside their comfort zone. However, by cultivating self-trust and embracing calculated risks, you can overcome these fears and unlock the door to a brighter future.

Self-trust is the foundation upon which all successful career transitions are built. It involves believing in your own abilities, intuition, and decision-making skills. Without self-trust, you may find yourself constantly second-guessing your choices and remaining stagnant in a job that no longer serves you.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Take the leap and start trusting yourself. Recognize that taking risks is an integral part of personal and professional growth. When you step outside your comfort zone, you open yourself up to new opportunities, experiences, and perspectives. It’s through taking risks that we learn, grow, and truly thrive.

Benefits of Trusting Yourself and Taking Risks

  • Increased self-confidence: By trusting yourself and taking risks, you develop a deep sense of self-confidence. You start to believe in your own abilities, and this self-assurance shines through in everything you do.
  • Expanded opportunities: Taking risks allows you to explore new paths and seize opportunities that may have previously been out of reach. It opens doors to new connections, experiences, and possibilities.
  • Personal and professional growth: Stepping outside your comfort zone challenges you to learn and grow. It pushes you to acquire new skills, expand your knowledge, and develop resilience.
  • Fulfillment and happiness: Trusting yourself and taking risks can lead to a more fulfilling and happier life. When you pursue your passions and follow your dreams, you align your career with your true purpose, which ultimately brings deep satisfaction.

In conclusion, if you hate your job and desire a career change, it’s crucial to trust yourself and take risks. Believe in your abilities, embrace the unknown, and step outside your comfort zone. Remember, taking risks is not solely about the outcome; it’s about the growth, learning, and experiences gained along the way. Trust yourself, be brave, and unlock the door to a more fulfilling and meaningful career.

Career Change


In conclusion, if you find yourself saying ” I hate my job, what should I do?”, it’s crucial to remember that you have the power to make a change. Finding fulfillment in your career requires self-reflection and the courage to pursue your dreams. By tapping into your Inner Genius and discovering your Genius Zone, you can unlock your full potential and create a more fulfilling career.

One strategy to embark on this journey is to listen to career-focused podcasts that offer advice and insights. These podcasts can provide external inspiration and help you gain clarity on your next steps. Take advantage of the valuable advice and success stories shared by experts in these podcasts to navigate career transitions and find more fulfillment in your work.

Tune into the podcast hosted by me, Catherine Mattiske, about Inner Genius (GQ) – called The Genius Zone. On this podcast, she explains the ins and outs of Inner Genius, the Genius Quotient (GQ) and how it relates to learning, communication, connecting and influencing others.

Don’t let fear or the barriers that hold you back prevent you from taking action. Embrace imperfection, trust in your abilities, and take calculated risks. Remember, pursuing your dreams and finding fulfillment in your career is a journey. It requires time, effort, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. But with determination and perseverance, you can create your own path and build a career that aligns with your true passion and purpose.






What should I do if I hate my job?

To overcome job dissatisfaction, it’s important to tap into your Inner Genius (GQ). Discover your Zone of Genius through strategies like conducting a life course scan, identifying joyful memories, and finding clues to what inspires you.

How can I reach my level of genius?

To reach your level of genius, you can organize your data, highlight joyful memories, and identify the aspects of your job that bring you the most inspiration. By reverse engineering your business and focusing on the tasks you enjoy the most, you can unlock your inner power.

What strategies can help me find my Genius Zone?

Strategies like conducting a Genius Zone Audit, identifying the parts of your job you love the most, and exploring when you feel the most inspired can help you find your Genius Zone. By understanding what brings you joy and fulfillment, you can make changes in your career that align with your Inner Genius.

How can I find my Genius Zone instantly?

Completing the 10-minute Inner Genius Profile will  help you identify the key elements of your Genius Zone. The Inner Genius Profile is a self-assessment tool that allows you to quickly and easily determine what brings you joy and fulfillment in your career. Additionally, developing daily practices such as journaling and mindfulness can help with discovering your Inner Genius (GQ). With consistent practice, these activities will help you cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose.

Is it normal to feel job frustration?

Job frustration is perfectly normal!  Job burnout by contrast should be avoided.

It is common to feel frustrated when it comes to your job. It may be difficult to find a role that aligns with your values, goals and passions. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in this journey, and that finding clarity about what brings you joy and fulfillment takes time.

Job burnout  is a different beast and can be characterized by feelings of exhaustion, disinterest and decreased job performance. If you believe you are experiencing burnout, it is important to take steps to prioritize your mental health. This may look like talking to a therapist or counselor about how you’re feeling, taking time off from work, or switching departments or roles.

Are there any podcasts that can provide career inspiration?

Yes, there are several career-focused podcasts that can provide external inspiration and help you gain clarity on your next steps. Shows like “Happen To Your Career” and “The Good Life Project” offer advice, insights, and success stories to help you navigate career transitions and find more fulfillment in your work.

Catherine Mattiske also has a podcast on Inner Genius (GQ) – called The Genius Zone.

Why do people stay in jobs they hate instead of starting a business?

There are several reasons why people stay in jobs they hate, including waiting for their purpose to find them, seeking advice from the wrong sources, and hiding behind their current identity. Additionally, fear of taking action, waiting for perfection, and a lack of self-trust can also prevent people from starting their own business.

Should I wait for my purpose to find me?

No, finding your purpose is a process that requires action and time. Rather than waiting for a lightning strike of clarity, you can follow a step-by-step process or work with a life purpose coach to gain the clarity and direction needed to pursue a career that aligns with your true purpose.

Where should I seek advice for pursuing my entrepreneurial dreams?

It’s important to seek guidance from those who have achieved what you aspire to, rather than listening to well-meaning friends and family members who may not have the experience or perspective to guide you towards your dreams. Finding mentors or coaches who can provide valuable insights and support can give you the confidence to pursue your own path.

How can I overcome my current identity to explore new career possibilities?

Challenge your current identity and think outside the box when it comes to exploring new career possibilities. By releasing perceptions of who you think you are and embracing your full potential, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and find a career that truly fulfills you.

How can I embrace imperfection and take action towards my dream career?

Many individuals wait for everything to be perfect or for all the details to be lined up before taking action. Embracing imperfection and taking the first step, even if it’s a small one, is important. Momentum is powerful in creating meaningful change, and by trusting in your abilities, you can move forward towards your dream career.

How can I overcome the fear of taking risks and trust myself?

Fear of failure and the desire for guarantees often prevent individuals from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. To overcome this, you can cultivate self-trust and take calculated risks. By considering the risks of not making a change and trusting in your abilities, you can overcome fear and take the necessary steps towards starting your own business.

What does it take to find fulfillment and pursue your dreams?

Finding fulfillment in your career requires self-reflection, courage, and a willingness to take action. By tapping into your Inner Genius (GQ), seeking inspiration from podcasts, and overcoming the barriers that hold you back, you can begin to make meaningful changes towards a more fulfilling career. Remember that you have the power to create your own path and pursue your dreams.

Catherine Mattiske Inner Genius GQ

Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team-building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

Contact Catherine

Go to Catherine Mattiske’s LinkedIn Profile

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